Puppy Swims
Thirty-minute therapist-led swim sessions. Although generally puppies do not require therapy. Sessions at an early age build confidence in the water, trust with the therapist and provides an experience to build expectations on, which enables any future sessions to be more successful.
We run these swims as a short course, as generally puppies take a little time to get used to a new environment, and build their confidence. Sessions are monthly for 3-6 months.
Dog's can swim from 16 weeks, but we recommend waiting until five months. Their joints are more fully formed, they can exercise for longer periods, and are generally more confident.
After 1 year they can move onto Fun & Fitness sessions.
Build water confidence
Ensure correct joint movement
Provides enrichment
Low impact exercise
and it's fun!

Sessions are run by Rachel and Alina, registered hydrotherapists with the International Association of Animal Therapists (IAAT)
Puppy Swims are individualised in order to provide the best level of support and vary according to the dog's physical condition, breed, behaviour and age. For this reason prior to your first booking we are required to contact your registered vet to obtain a brief medical history, and confirm that the dog is in a suitable state of health to swim.
Due to the time taken to gain this veterinary consent, there is a three session minimum for all therapist-led sessions.
To begin sessions, click on the link below: